Thin Lips
We have all spent time by ourselves looking in the mirror when no one is watching and making lists in our head of all the things we want to change. While self care and self love are big things that we should take seriously, there is nothing wrong with wanting to make improvements that we feel will benefit us and boost our confidence. If you struggle with thin lips and want a more voluminous and beautiful pout, Allergy & Skin Spa may have a solution for you. We offer treatments such as the BOTOX® Cosmetic lip flip to help you address your concerns and leave feeling better than you came. The BOTOX® lip flip involves the precise placement of just a few units of BOTOX® Cosmetic along the upper lip muscle, near the border, to relax and “flip” the lip to make more of the upper lip visible. This creates a fuller, plumper, but natural-appearing upper lip.

What Factors Contribute to Thin Lips?
Your natural lip shape is due to collagen which starts to decrease and diminish with age . Some minor factors outside of genetics that contribute to thinner lips include UV exposure from the sun, smoking, kissing, and even drinking through a straw. Water is so important for our bodies, so it’s very important to stay hydrated. Sucking on straws can make our lips appear more wrinkled and smaller. And as we age, our teeth will actually wear down and our lips will start to sink inward. Thankfully, there are aesthetic treatments to correct your concerns. At Allergy & Skin Spa we use the following treatments to help you receive the luscious lips you desire:
Treating Thin Lips With Dermal Fillers
Loss of volume, lines around the mouth, and dryness are common as we get older. Along with BOTOX® Cosmetic, our team also provides dermal fillers such as JUVÉDERM®. This hyaluronic acid solution improves the plumpness of the lips in just a couple of quick injections. At Allergy & Skin Spa, we can provide you with safe, natural results. Once injected into the lip area, we can massage the dermal filler formula for optimal balance. During your initial consultation, we can discuss your ideal lip size and create a treatment plan that will give you the look you want.
Treating Thin Lips in Los Angeles, CA
If your lips appear smaller or thinner than usual and are looking to change your look, opting for an aesthetic treatment may be the right call! Get in touch with us to experience the best treatment in Los Angeles, CA. Schedule your appointment today by filling out the contact form below or giving us a call at (310) 312-1231.