CoolSculpting® Body Contouring
Exercise and diet can take you to a place where you start feeling anxious when you fail to lose that last few pounds and that last couple of inches. This anxiousness leads to stress, and you end up gaining weight instead. With the extra weight, your fat increases. Losing weight might be easy. But losing a few inches around your waist may prove to be difficult.
There are several invasive and non-invasive treatments to lose the fat in your body. The invasive procedure includes liposuction where the fat is surgically removed from your body. The non-invasive methods include radiofrequency, laser therapy, ultrasound and cryolipolysis.

What Is CoolSculpting® Body Contouring?
CoolSculpting® is the product name for the non-invasive fat reduction technique called cryolipolysis. It is also called ‘fat freezing’. When you lose or gain weight, it does not increase or decrease your fat cells. When you lose weight, your fat cells become smaller, but they do not reduce in number. CoolSculpting® is a nonsurgical, non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses the cryolipolysis method for freezing the stubborn fat in your body. Our CoolSculpting® in Los Angeles helps contour your body by reducing those stubborn fats that refuse to burn with diet and exercise. It is not a treatment for obesity
How Does It Work?
The CoolSculpting® process involves the use of vacuum pressure that draws tissue into an applicator cup between several cooling panels. When applied to the skin, the vacuum may cause sensations of pulling, tugging, and pinching in the area being treated. You may also experience intense stinging, tingling, aching, or cramping at first, but these sensations will subside as the area being addressed becomes numb. The treatment can be done in nine different areas, including the abdomen, love handles, double chin, back fat, and more. Since this treatment causes little to no discomfort, no anesthesia is needed!
What Kind of Treatment Results Can I Expect?
Patients have reported seeing changes as quickly as 3 weeks after treatment. The most dramatic results are reported to occur after 2 months. The natural process of the body will be to flush out fat cells for 4 to 6 months following the CoolSculpting®procedure. CoolSculpting® is non-surgical, and patients normally are able to return to their regular activities immediately following treatment. Patients can return to work the same day after completing their CoolSculpting® treatment. Reach out to Allergy and Skin Spa to schedule your CoolSculpting® in Los Angeles treatment today! It is possible to get the body you’ve desired and feel great about the way you look.
Before and After Results
CoolSculpting® Body Contouring Consultations in Los Angeles, CA
Shedding excess fat and shaping your body doesn’t have to involve complicated surgery. Our CoolSculpting® body contouring treatments can offer effective fat reduction with little post-treatment downtime. Get started by scheduling your consultation! Simply call Allergy and Skin Spa at (310) 312-1231 or fill out the form below.