KYBELLA® Chin Treatments
A sculpted face with voluminous hair that compliments the face is a dream come true to many. You may be blessed with glowing skin and sharp facial features that turn several heads. But then, your chin acts as a spoiler and decides to pop out. A double chin can be a nightmare that ruins everything. Are you insecure and unhappy with the fat under your chin? At Allergy & Skin Spa, Dr. Kia strongly recommends KYBELLA® for your double chin problem.
KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved prescription medicine that is used to treat the fat below your chin. This fat is called double chin or submental fat. KYBELLA® is made from synthetic deoxycholic acid which is a naturally occurring molecule in your body. Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fats. When it is injected beneath your chin, it destroys the fat cells and results in a reduction of fullness under the chin. These cells cannot store or accumulate fat once they are destroyed. Hence, further treatment is not required. Apart from the submental fat, KYBELLA® is also perfect for those small pockets of fat in the abdomen. It can also be used in other areas of the body that include the upper arms, knees, bra line, “saddlebags” of the thighs, upper and inner thighs.

How Does It Work?
Dr. Kia is a KYBELLA® trained health specialist and has several years of experience in treating submental fat. He will start by analyzing your medical history, allergies, and ANY medication currently being taken to check if you are a suitable candidate. He may ask you to stop taking blood thinners several days before the procedure and make changes in your medicine if required. The treatment process usually takes 15-20 minutes. Dr. Kia will tailor your treatment based on the fat accumulated under the chin, and he will decide the number of injections you will need. The injection site will be marked, and an ice pack or numbing agent is applied to ease the discomfort. KYBELLA® is then injected into the marked areas of your chin. Dr. Kia will recommend the number of treatments needed for you to reach your desired aesthetic goals. The side effects of KYBELLA® are minimal and include numbness, redness, bruising, and/or muscle weakness at the site of the injection. If you develop any prolonged side effects call us at Allergy & Skin Spa for assistance.
Are You a Candidate for KYBELLA®?
KYBELLA® is not for everyone. At Allergy & Skin Spa, Dr. Kia will make sure that you are the right candidate for the treatment. We recommend against the treatment if we feel the candidate is not suitable, to avoid possible side effects. KYBELLA® is not recommended under the following circumstances:
- If you have an infection in the treatment area
- If you have a medical condition in or near the neck area
- If you have trouble swallowing
- If you have had facial surgery recently
- If you are pregnant, want to be pregnant, or are breastfeeding
- If you are taking blood thinners
- If you are under 18 years of age
Before and After Results
KYBELLA® Treatments in Los Angeles, CA
If you suffer from unwanted fat under your chin or if you want to get rid of a double chin, KYBELLA® might be for you. Call Allergy & Skin Spa today for an appointment and get started by scheduling your consultation! Simply call Allergy & Skin Spa at (310) 312-1231 or fill out the form below.